Conflict Minerals Compliance Services

Conflict Minerals Reporting Template commonly known as CMRT. It was introduced so that companies or suppliers can be helped to perform supply chain and abide them to Cmrt Compliance.

All the major importers of the world that are engaged their business in Tungsten, Tantalum, Tin, and Gold, are required to indicate the import of supporting international efforts so that it can help to reduce the trade of the conflict resources and restrict them to a certain limit.

In the year 2010, the United States of America introduced the ‘Dodd-Frank Act’. According to this law, companies will have disclosed the utilization of conflict minerals so that it should be known that it came from DRC zone or it came from recycled from scrap sources. Additionally, the new law will be introduced in EU which will be known as ‘Conflict Minerals Regulation’. Hence, they can track the supply chain should not come from high-risk areas and help those areas to stay safe.

Both these regulations will bring more challenges to firms or companies dealing in this industry hence; they need to focus more to make more paperwork and make track compliance assessment more properly in a systematic manner. Not all companies or suppliers are capable of providing compliance certificates and material source information by them. They need someone to help them. Our Cmrt compliance services start from customizing consulting to validating the information of minerals used by supplier.

Exclusive services offered by Accord Compliance

1.      Help the supplier, coach him in a better way and collect the CMRT data.  

2.      Clarify all the queries of supplier related to CMRT

3.      Validate the smelter data against the smelter database.

4.      Deliver accurately and verified CMRT to the suppliers.  

Click here to get deep knowledge on CMRT Compliance and get its module in a single step.


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